We need your help!
As a lot of you know we rely on funding to be able to deliver our creative workshops & yoga classes for free to charities across the North West.
ln order to continue to offer our services - we need your feedback! We value your ongoing input & communication regarding our projects as this enables us to understand what is needed most by our communities & deliver our services to those most in need <3
Your honest feedback & communication is imperative to us being able to continue to run our workshops for free, & beneficial in helping us to secure funding to continue our societal enriching work. We want to know how we can benefit YOU! What services you value the most, what would you like me to deliver, which services have had the biggest impact on your physical or mental health, how can we better tailor our services & offerings to YOUR needs etc
Leaving a review is quick and easy! Simply visit:
https://search.google.com/local/writereview?placeid=ChIJHQeCJ0Ipvg8R8x3gf2xUpPw and share your experience with us.
Thank you!
