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Lets talk menstrual cycles ...

Menstrual cycle awareness is a topic that has been gaining more attention lately. With more and more people understanding the intricacies of their menstrual cycles, it's becoming increasingly clear that the experience can differ greatly from person to person. In fact, it's not uncommon for people to experience different emotions and physical symptoms with each cycle.

One intriguing aspect of menstrual cycle awareness is the wide range of experiences individuals may encounter during the different phases of their cycle. Hormonal fluctuations exert considerable influence over emotions, energy levels, and physical symptoms. For instance, during the premenstrual phase (commonly known as PMS), some individuals may experience mood swings, irritability, fatigue, and bloating - not the most enjoyable combination. However, as we move into the ovulatory phase, the tides can turn. During this time, some people might notice an increase in energy levels and experience a boost in their libido. It's truly remarkable how our bodies navigate through these fluctuations, impacting our overall well-being throughout the menstrual cycle.

Becoming aware of these cyclical changes can help individuals understand their bodies better and make informed choices in their personal and professional lives. For instance, understanding when they are most likely to experience certain emotions or physical symptoms can help them plan for self-care, rest, or engaging in activities that suit their energy levels.

Menstrual cycle awareness is breaking the stigma around menstruation and promoting open conversations about reproductive health. This shift in perspective fosters empathy and understanding among individuals, regardless of gender, helping to create a more inclusive and supportive society. Follows our next post for our run down of the top books on menstruation & cyclical living!




Artist, yoga teacher & creative communications facilitator working with UK charities helping people access innate creativity through exploration of movement, cyclical living & creative practices

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