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Art for mental health.

Art is a fantastic way to boost your mood and unleash a wave of positive energy! Check out a few reasons why art is amazing for your mental well-being.

  1. Express Your Self: Get ready to let those emotions run wild! With art, you can say what you feel, even if words fail you. It's like having a dance party for your feelings!

  2. Relax and Unwind: Say bye-bye to stress and hello to zen mode! Art is like a cosy hammock on a sunny beach—time to relax and forget your worries.

  3. Get in the Zone: Art helps you tap into the power of mindfulness. Say goodbye to the noise, and hello to the magic of living in the moment! Enter the flowstate & let your creativity flow

  4. You're an Art Superstar: Embrace your creative mojo and discover the artist within! When you create art, you're a superstar—confidence level: sky high!

  5. Healing Vibes: Art is like a magical healing potion. It helps you work through stuff, mend your heart, and find your happy place. It is a great release for emotions wether happy or sad, it releases endorphins & helps increase dopamine

  6. Art Party with Friends: Grab your pals and let the art party begin! Connecting over creativity is like a superfood for your soul. Community is always integral to mental health & what better than to combine both & get creative with friends

  7. Happy Distractions: Art is your secret weapon against the blues. When you dive into your creative world, negative thoughts don't stand a chance!

  8. Rainbow of Emotions: When life's a roller coaster, art is your colourful guide. Express your ups and downs with a kaleidoscope of emotions!

Connect to your inner creativity & let the good vibes flow, and remember—art is the key to a happier, you! 🌈🎨😄




Artist, yoga teacher & creative communications facilitator working with UK charities helping people access innate creativity through exploration of movement, cyclical living & creative practices

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